Pearly and her sister Sandy were not dog lovers. They were very much afraid of dogs. They were afraid to go near dogs. One day a friend of theirs who was a dog lover came out with an idea. The idea was to go to different pet shops and farms to look at dogs. Pearly and Sandy thought for a second and thought it would be fun to do this. They stopped by different pet shops and farms to look at dogs but they did not bring any home. This was in the mind of Pearly's since then. She kept thinking whether she should get a puppy. So one day they stopped by a pet shop to look at puppies. She thought of getting a puppy for herself. She scanned through the pent but could not find the right one. The shop keeper came over and asked her what breed was she looking for. The shop keeper took her to the back of the shop and showed a Pomeranian puppy. She needed to be fed by hand at this moment. The puppy had fur liked a little grey ball. Pearly fell in love with the puppy and brought her home.
Pearly's mom already told her that if she bring the puppy back, she was not going to help take care of the puppy. Her mom did not like having pets in the house. But Pearly loved the puppy and brought her back. She named the puppy Hazel. Since her mom was not going to help take care of Hazel, when Pearly needed to go to work, she would bring Hazel to Sandy her sister's house for her to dog sit. At the same time Sandy also bought a puppy. Both puppies could play together.
As days passed Hazel grew to an adult dog. But she was still little as pomeranian remained small although it grew to be an adult dog. Slowly her mom began to accept Hazel in the house. She was adorable and fun to play with. Hazel would keep Pearly's mom company when there were no one in the house. She began to like Hazel and take care of her. Hazel loved her too. She would follow her everywhere.
Pearly and Sandy after keeping dogs helped them to love them and not afraid of dogs anymore.
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